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Mofakham's Mirror House
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Mofakham's Mirror House

Mofakham's Mirror House or Dar ol-hokoomeh Sardar Mofakham is one of the historical monuments of in the north of Bojnurd, North Khorasan Province which dates back to the Qajar era.

Mofakham's Mirror House, pavilion (Kolah-Farangi mansion), Howskhaneh, and portal lie in a beautiful garden in Bojnurd, North Khorasan Province. This mansion has been constructed during the reign of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar under the command of Yar Mohammad Khan Shadloo who was known as Sardar Mofakham. The mirror House has been used as Divan an office for official visits of Sardar Mofakham and the Qajar political men. Currently this mansion used as a museum of anthropology.


Mofakham's Mirror House  


  • Architecture

Mofakham's Mirror House designed by Mirza Mehdi Khanshaghaqi, known as Mutahan al-Dawlah who was one of the first Iranian architects graduated from the Paris School of Architecture. This mansion is a two-store building with nine chambers and a height of 10 meters. On the second level, you will see a hall with an area of 24 square meters that all the walls and ceiling decorated with Āina-kāri. This mansion is known as Mofakham’s Mirror House, due to the ornamentation of the hall. The doors in this level have made of Sandalwood and decorated with bone.

There are three entrance gates for this mansion. The larger one placed on the north side and two smaller gates located on the east and west sides. All these entrance gates end with a corridor that includes some chambers. On the north side of the mansion, there are four half-columns with a diameter of 110 centimeters and a height of 10 meters that decorated by colorful tiles and Bannai script. The word Muhammad is repeated all over the half-column for 12 times in Kufic script. Two of these half-columns include a capital that resembles minaret.


 Mofakham's Mirror House


  • Where to stay?

    You can stay in the nearest hotels to the Mofakham's Mirror House as follows:
    • Hotel negin: It is a three-star hotel located in Emam Reza Square, Bojnurd, North Khorasan Province. It takes five minutes by car from the hotel to the mansion. It is also a 28-minute walk from the hotel.
    • Dariush hotel: It is a four-star hotel located in the Kalaq Ashyan village, Bojnurd, North Khorasan Province. It takes 10-16 minutes by car from the hotel to the mansion.


  • What is the best time to go?

Bojnurd is placed in the northeast of Iran and north of Alborz mountain range with moderate mountainous climate. You will experience a hot summer and cold winter in Bojnurd. The average annual frost days are more than five days. Late spring and summer is the best time to visit Mofakham's Mirror House. 


  • Getting there?

Mofakham's Mirror House is located on the Shariati Street, Bojnurd, North Khorasan Province. You can take a taxi to reach there. Also, the following map can help you to find the exact location of Mofakham's Mirror House:




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