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How to get Ardabil from Tehran?
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How to get Ardabil from Tehran?

If you want to get Ardabil from Tehran and have a comfortable trip, you need to know about different ways of this journey. Stay with us to offer you the best options.

If you are planning to travel from Tehran to Ardabil, you should know all the alternatives. Here, we guide you to choose the best available transportation on this route. In the following, you can read about flights, trains, and buses for this route.


  •  Tehran to Ardabil Flight
    Air travel from Tehran to Ardabil takes approximately one hour and five minutes. Furthermore, 8 flights per week are available on this route from Tehran airports. For more information about Tehran to Ardabil flights, click on the following link. You can also book a cheap flight over here.


  •  Tehran to Ardabil Train
    Rail travel from Tehran to Ardabil is not possible directly. You should go to Tabriz via train then get Ardabil by Bus. Rail travel from Tehran to Tabriz takes 12 hours. For more information about stations, train classes, train fare, and railway companies click on the following link.


Tehran to Tabriz Train

  •  Tehran to Ardabil bus Timetable
    To have a comfortable and cheap trip through cities in Iran, you can travel by bus. Buses have the benefits of affordable prices, safety, and the pleasure of traveling on the road. For more information about the Tehran to Ardabil bus timetable click on the following link.


Bus timetable (Tehran to Ardabil)



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  • Weather in Ardabil 

Ardabil is located in the northwestern Iran with a cold climate. If you want to enjoy the summer, suggest you travel to Ardabil. The average temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius during this period.

  • Glance in the direction:





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