Shah Abbasi Caravanserai is one of the monuments of the Safavid period. This building made on the silk road.
This caravansary is one of the most valuable buildings in the Safavid period. The caravansary is located on the Silk Road. Caravanserai of Shah Abbasi Karaj used as a place to rest their caravans and their horses during the Safavid period. It also used as a caravansary during Afsharid and Zand period. But, at the beginning of the Qajar period, this building changed into a military fort and also, at the end of the era, it was converted into a school. After the collapsed of Qajar, around 1911 AD, this place used as the agricultural barn that caused the vastest damage to the building at that time.
This building is only an inland caravanserai of Iran. Stone, bricks, wood, and thatch used to build this caravansary. This complex has two Shah Neshin (a room is bigger and colder than all rooms.), 22 rooms for rest passengers and five Bar Andaz (it is a place for evacuation of bars and maintenance of animal caravans). Shah Abbasi Caravanserai Karaj now includes sections such as handicrafts museum, traditional restaurant. This historic caravanserai has been listed in the National Heritage List in 1976.
We offer you a few days to stay in this city because there are many monuments and tourist attractions. If you stay in this city, it is better to go to its hotels. There are many hotels in Karaj, where you can stay in a few days. Before you start your travel, it is best to book a room in one of these hotels.
Karaj is located near Tehran. Weather in Karaj is cooler than Tehran. The weather of this city is dry like Tehran. The best time to travel to this city is spring and summer, especially from May to late July, as well as September.
You can reach this city from Tehran by Tehran-Karaj Highway. Your trip time is about 50 minutes. Of course, if traffic is not. The holidays and on Thursdays and Fridays are traffic on the highway. You can also go to this caravansary by subway. The nearest metro to this building is Karaj Metro. Take the taxi and take you to the destination after getting off the subway. If you want to take the subway from Tehran, it is better to get on Sadeghieh Metro because there are fast-moving subways at this station for Karaj line and you can get faster to your destination.