Shiraz to Kashan train only runs at day. We try to respond to the questions that may help you in this process, such as departure and arrival time, train fare, duration, distance, and the name of railroad companies.
If you want to travel from Shiraz to Kashan, you can use the train as a good alternative. Traveling to Kashan from Shiraz by train takes about 12 to 13 hours and costs between 1.245.500 IRR.
The distance from Shiraz to Kashan is 702 kilometers and takes approximately 12 to 13 hours.
The company which is ready to serve is Raja.
The trains on the route of Shiraz-Kashan is not possible at night.
Air conditioning
Audio video entertainment
Dining car/ meals in the compartment: Serving dinner is optional and needs to pay a surcharge on the ticket.
220 V power outlet in compartment
Beverages and snacks available
The average train fare for 4-bed compartments (1st class) is 1.245.500 IRR.
To book tickets, you can go to the train station or a travel agency or ask from HiPersia. Online booking is also possible but like airlines, foreign credit cards are not accepted.