Do you think it is right to believe that Iran is a wealthy country?
Iran is a country with high oil and gas resources. In the list of countries, Iran has the world's third-largest oil reserves and is the second-largest gas reserves country. Iran earns about 60 percent of its revenue from oil and gas sales in the year. So, people have come to believe that Iran is a wealthy country. But today, these two cases are not really enough, and we need to think about the other revenue that science and science can make. Of course, Iran has an acceptable export rank and is ranked thirty-sixth in the list of countries. Iran has many natural resources. Precious stones such as turquoise and also, the best fruits. Iran is also the first major exporter of saffron in the world. Iran has other valuable assets that, of course, cannot be sold such as National Jewels.
In Iran, the fluctuations in the wares price and the price of the dollar are very high, due to the fact that Iran's income is dependent on the sale of oil and gas and the linking of Iran's income with the currency.
Currently, oil and gas sales have fallen to a minimum due to the US's cruel sanctions. Nowadays, inflation is very high in Iran, and economic disparity has become more visible than before.