Iran with a vast range and ethnic diversity includes a variety of musical instruments.
Iran with a vast range and ethnic diversity includes a variety of musical instruments. Nations of different parts of Iran use the musical instruments which are different in construction and audio theme. The multiplicity of musical features, their lifestyle, and accessible equipment has created several musical features and instruments in the different part of Iran. For example, due to the unity in the rhythm of Turkmens rich music, the Percussion instruments are not popular in this region. Although, some Iranian instruments were abandoned over time, the traditional musical instruments is a rich source of the musical culture of Mesopotamia till India. The common Iranian musical instrument are as follows:
Iranian musical instruments are not made in various audio volumes. Most of the Iranian musical instrument shine brightly in low tone sounds which are flexible with a singer. Due to this feature of Iranian musical instruments, Violin enters the range of Iranian musical instruments. The tone of the most Iranian musical instruments equals with the voice of the singers, not louder. Most of these instruments have an audio range of 2.5 octaves. The performance of these instruments is faster than the human voice. Although, the dynamic control is hard.
Among Iranian musical instruments, Tar and Kamancheh have a different audio range. Player of these two instruments is able to create delicate and tremulous audio at the same time. Both of them are not suitable for playing outdoor. The only musical instrument that is proper in outdoor is Ney. We still face some Shepherd which playing Ney among the plain.
The only Iranian musical instruments that make a strong sound is Santoor, but, Iranian musical instruments cannot make a very strong sound at a high level.