The Eskan Alvand Hotel is offering the luxurious services and experienced staff for those who are looking for the comfort of a hotel, along with the privacy and convenience of a home, and a memorable stay.
The Eskan Alvand Hotel is a four-star hotel which located on the square of Argentina. It has easy access to almost parts of the city. The hotel is ideal for travelers who are concerned about access to city shopping malls, private institutes and offices and sightseeing spots. The hotel has been constructed under the supervision of professional specialists with an elegant decoration applying the latest hotel construction technologies and safety equipments. Facilities such as Continental Restaurant, Iranian Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Summer Patio, Meeting Hall, Sauna and Jacuzzi, Laundry, and Private Parking area are available. Modern audio/video system, high-speed wireless internet and satellite channels are provided complimentary for the valuable guests. The Eskan Alvand Hotel has 14 floors with 64 rooms and suites with all modern installations and luxurious services. Experienced staff, high-quality rooms, cleanliness of the hotel and affordable cost, in terms of hotel facilities, have made The Eskan Alvand hotel a suitable alternative for living out in Tehran.
What services are offered by the hotel?
What is the price of the hotel?
You can attend the table of hotels here:
How long does it take to find tourist attractions by car?
Where is the hotel located?
The Eskan Alvand Hotel is situated in the proximity of Argentina square. The approximate location of the hotel is shown on the map.
What are the Hotel Policies?