The Karoon Hotel is providing the best services and experienced staff for those who are looking for the comfort of a hotel, along with the privacy and convenience of a home, and a memorable stay.
The Karoon Hotel is a three-star hotel which located in one the longest street in the world, Valiasr Street. Therefore, it is in proximity of the principal streets and highways, business centers, city shopping centers, Administrative centers, public transportations and tourist areas. The Karoon Hotel is one of the oldest hotel in Tehran and while established in 1972 and was renovated several times during these years. The hotel includes 24 accommodations in three types of VIP, Traditional and Economic (Budget and mid-range) rooms, Karoon hotel Restaurant and Coffee shop with Iranian(Persian) cuisine, traditional bread baking and free breakfast on the view of garden has created enjoyable moments and pleasant staying for passengers. Experienced staff, privileged location, high-quality rooms, cleanliness of the hotel and affordable cost, in terms of hotel facilities, have made The Karoon Hotel a desirable choice for lasting out in Tehran.
What services are offered by the hotel?
What is the price of the hotel?
You can attend the table of hotels here:
How long does it take to find tourist attractions by car?
Where is the hotel located?
The Karoon Hotel is located on the Valiasr Street. The approximate location of the hotel is shown on the map.
What are the Hotel Policies?