Bus Terminals of Shiraz, There are a few bus terminals in Shiraz. The Karandish Bus Terminal, Modares Bus Terminal & Amirkabir Bus Terminal are ready to serve.
Shiraz with many historical and tourist attractions, many travelers visit it daily. The bus terminals of Karandish, Amirkabir, and Modares are available to give land transportation services to most of the country. Shiraz has many historical and tourist attractions, and many travelers visit it daily. The bus terminals of Karandish, Amirkabir, and Modares are available to give land transportation services to most of the country.
Karandish Bus Terminal has four phases. The terminal door is located on the northern side, and its exit gates are located on the southwest side. The Kartandish Bus Terminal is located on Karandish street. You can see the approximate location on the map below.
Modares Bus Terminal opened on the southern side of the Shahid Modares Blvd in an expanse of 22,000 square meters. This terminal has 14 travel companies in which service many cities. The terminal location is shown on the map below.
Amirkabir Bus Terminal was established at the intersection of Amirkabir and Edalat Boulevard in 1996, with 20,000 square meters. There are nine passenger companies at this terminal, which are responsible for the transportation of passengers to cities and the south and southwest part of Shiraz. The terminal location is shown on the map below.
in the following section we have added the contacts available for this terminals, it should be also noted that the operators only answer in Persian, and the numbers are all +98 (Iran's telephone code) embeded if you are trying to contact them from another country, also we can simplify this process for you with our bus ticket reservation services, and if you come around any problems in this process our English speaking staff will take care of it happily!
tel: 071-37327650
tel: 071-37276387
tel: 071-38335470
Hi, I am coming to shiraz on the 28th of September 2023 , i need a ticket in the morning time and I want to know the ticket price from shiraz to Chabahar and timing of the bus departure please. How long is the journey from shiraz to chabahar? And bus terminal in shiraz is near with airport or not?
Dear Zar Taj,
Thank you for your comment. We emailed you the information
Hi there, Do you have bus from Shiraz to Shahr-e Babak? If yes, may I know the timetable and the price, please? How long in time does it take in general? Thank you very much.
Dear Tracy,
Thank you for your comment.
We emailed you the information. There are no buses directly to Shahr-e Babak from Shiraz, You need to go to Kerman (8.5 hours) and then to Shahr-e Babak (3.5 hours).
Hi there, Is there bus between Shiraz and Bam? Or do I need to go to Kerman first and then from Kerman to Bam? May I know the timetable and the price for the bus from Shiraz to Bam, if there is? Or the info about the bus from Shiraz to Kerman, please. Thank you very much for your kind help.
Dear Tracy,
Thank you for your comment.
There are buses from Shiraz to Bam. we emailed you the information