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Tabriz's Bus Terminals
1303 votes, Rating value 4.16

Tabriz's Bus Terminals

Tabriz Central Bus Terminal is situated in the south of Tabriz in the Manzariyeh district. Use Tabriz Bus Terminal to travel to 17 cities of Iran.

Tabriz only has one bus terminal situated along the south side of the city. The passengers can travel to 17 cities of the country, including Shahindej, Isfahan, Mehran, Tehran, Mashhad, Zanjan, Shiraz, Qazvin, Qom, Brojerd, Sary, Bandar-e Anzali, Gorgan, Kermanshah, Arak, and Hamedan via The Tabriz Central Bus Terminal.You can book an intercity bus ticket to and from all Iran's bus terminals from Hipersia. 


  • Tabriz Central Bus Terminal:
    Tabriz Central Bus Terminal is located in Manzariyeh that you can see the exact location on the map below.



Request your bus ticket


  • Contact information

in the following section we have added the contacts available for this terminals, it should be also noted that the operators only answer in Persian, and the numbers are all +98 (Iran's telephone code) embeded if you are trying to contact them from another country, also we can simplify this process for you with our bus ticket reservation services, and if you come around any problems in this process our English speaking staff will take care of it happily!


Central Tabriz Terminal:

tel: 041-34791177


Iran Bus ticket



tracy huang
1403/09/08 04:11

hello Is there bus from Ardabil to Tabriz, please? Thank you

(1403/09/12 10:03)

Dear Tracy, 

Thank you for your comment. 

There are buses from Ardabil to Tabriz. We contacted you for further information. 

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