The Tehran Bazaar is a maze market with a particular architecture that has survived since ancient times and has changed in each period of history and has also played a significant role in the great historical events of Iran and Tehran.
The Grand Bazaar is considered to be the most important trade and economic location in Tehran, which created several of the most critical sectors such as wholesalers, retailers, dealers, warehouses, and workshops. This formation has made factories and manufacturers able to communicate directly with the market. The Grand Bazaar mainly divided into parts that called Rasteh (a straight and long path that is on both sides of the shop). Each Rasteh is a guild that the rapid expansion of this bazaar and changing the demands of the people from this bazaar, this system is somewhat disturbed.
You can buy your souvenirs from Tehran Bazaar with more variety and cheaper.
Trail mix
Grapes and Raisins are one of the most famous souvenirs of Tehran, the most exquisite of which can easily purchase in Grand Bazaar of Tehran.
Gold and jewelry
To buy gold on this bazaar, you should look at the Rasteh of Zargarha. In this Rasteh, a variety of gold and jewelry and watches sold. The advantage of ordering jewelry in this bazaar is its low remuneration relative to the outside market.
Cosmetics and edible
Take a look at the Marvi Alley to buy cosmetics and edible and enjoy the beauty of this bazaar.
During the Safavid Tahmasb era, this building made and during the period of Fathali Shah Qajar developed and the large and small Chaharsso were built at that time. At that time, this bazaar developed, gradually becoming the market segment of the Arg and Jameh Mosque, and the most famous and most trusted sites and Timches (a place where several shops traded.) became active in this area.
In Nasir al-Din Shah era, the figure of Rasteh and guilds joined, and several numbers of Timcheh built. In that era, this bazaar divided into several categories, which are partially up to now. Divisions can name as Rasteh, guilds, and Timcheh. In this period, the main quarters were: Shoemakers, Carpet Shop, Beyn Al-haramein (Sultani Jafari), Chahar Sough Bozorg, Jameh Mosque, Chahar Sough Kouchak, Chehel Tan (which is one of the oldest market segments and Related to the era of Fath 'Ali Shah), the blacksmith market, the copper market and the Pachenar market.
Sabze Meydan
The initial construction of the Sabzeh Meydan is on the northern side of the market segment of the early Safavid era, but in the Qajar period and 1268 AH, according to the order of Amir Kabir, Hajj Ali KhanMoghadam Maraghei (Hajib Al-Dawlah), made main changes to the Sabzeh Meydan situation. This field was at various periods of Tehran's major religious, social and political centers, in which various types of religious and political ceremonies were performed. On the southern side, there is a Sabzeh Meydan of the head in the beauty that goes into different Rasteh Bazaar.
Imam Mosque (Shah Mosque)
In the surroundings of the Grand Bazaar, there are other valuable monuments such as the Imam Mosque or the Grand Mosque, which are considered to be the Tehran's most important historical and architectural collections. Before the revolution, the Shah Mosque called to this mosque.
Marvi Alley
The Marvi Alley is one of the oldest shopping centers in Tehran, where in the past the Arab immigrants were trading, which today is much smaller than the past. In the alley, foreign food types that are less popular in other parts of the city, the center for types of makeup, toys and tea and coffee, and so on.
Chahar Sough Bazaar
The Chahar Sough Bazaar is one of the major markets in Tehran, with its architectural changes less than the other, and can still be seen in the corner of the market. "Chahar Sough" has a very beautiful historical plaster.
Sharaf al-Islami Restaurant:
In the yard of the Imam Mosque, there is a very famous and ancient restaurant serving tasty food. The restaurant featured on the Tripadvisor international site as one of the top 10 favorite restaurants.
Moslem Restaurant:
As soon as you enter the Sabze Meydan, you will notice the long queue of the restaurant. Usually the Muslim restaurant is so crowded that people will have to shoulder to shoulder stand and eat food.
Shamshiri Restaurant:
Shamshiri restaurant located on the northeast side of the Sabzeh Meydan which is as crowded as the Muslim restaurant.
Nayeb Restaurant:
You can find one of Tehran's most famous restaurants in the bookbinding market.
Ghadah Restaurant:
In the streets behind the Tehran carpet market, the restaurant is so famous that its owner did not even feel the need to hanging a frame.
Maravi Falafli:
You can find this Falafel at the beginning of the alley and enjoy it. Falafel serves as a sandwich, and it's very cheap and delicious.
You can go to the Grand Bazaar every day, except on Fridays and holidays. The Tehran Bazaar is open from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Grand Bazaar crowd in March, as people come to the Bazaar for New Year’s to make their new year's purchases.
The Tehran Bazaar located in the center of Tehran and located in the south of Molavi street, Mostafa Khomeini Avenue in the east, Khayyam Street in the west and Pandzdah Khordad in the north. Remember that the Grand Bazaar is in the traffic plan and it's hard to go by car.You can use public transport such as the metro and taxi to get to the Bazaar.
Metro (the best and fastest way): By line one, Tajrish - Kahrizak from Khayyam and Panzdah Khordad stations, you can go to this bazaar very simply and cheaply.
Taxis: Most taxi terminals, such as Sadeghieh and Azadi, have a line for the Tehran Grand Bazaar. If you ask for Bazaar lines from each of your available terminals, they will guide you.