Sahvalan Water Cave is one of the largest water caves in Iran, in which you can encounter gigantic landscapes of geology and see the miracle of nature closely.
Caves are considered to be the best and most mysterious attractions of nature in the world, and Iran also has some of the best, most fascinating caves in the world. In every corner of the vast land of Iran, you will discover amazing caves with unique character, and attract tourists to explore their beauty. From the famous cave of Alisadr in Hamadan, which is one of the world's largest aquatic caves, as well as the mysterious Cave of Parau in Kermanshah, you will be amazed by the art of nature. Today we are going to introduce another fantastic cave in the country. We want to see the beautiful province of West Azerbaijan and go to the magnificent city of Mahabad.
The Sahoolan word is a Kurdish word that means frosty. Of course, the locals call it Kune Kotter, which means the pigeon's nest, because of the existence of a large number of pigeon nests inside the cave.
The discovery date of the cave is unknown. Because it located in the vicinity of villages and residential areas, and locals have always used it as a haven and hunting ground. But officially, Jacques de Morgan discovered this cave along with the locals of Sahoolan by a small wooden boat. He drove through the cave and drew a map of the route that 60 percent of it matches with the current plan.
The interior of this cave is very high. From the lake's surface to the cave roof is 50 meters height. The depth of water is not low, and do not even think that without a boat or diving clothes you can go in the water, the depth of water reaches 50 meters, though its average depth is about 20 meters. The largest water lagoon of Sahvalan Water Cave is 1200 square meters and located at the end section. You need more than three hours to visit this natural phenomenon.
Sahvalan Water Cave is very similar to the al-Asadr Cave. The stalactites and crystals of this cave absorb the eyes of any viewer. It was estimated to be about 70 million years ago, but about 100 years ago, the French archaeologist named Jacques de Morgan, walked it up to a depth of 200 meters. In the years 1994 and 1997, Iranian archaeologists did some research into the history of this cave. The achievements of the speleologists prove that since BC and in the medieval period, life has been there. The discovered potteries from Parthian and the copper cup from the Ilkhanate period prove this.
The Sahvalan Water Cave has two entrances. You should go down about 106 steps to reach the first lake. The area of this lake is about two hundred square meters and the whole area equipped with suitable lighting fixtures. There are some signs inside the cave that warn you not to close to the area without fences. Generally, the cave looks safe.
If you want to visit the whole cave and get out of the other port, you should cross through three lakes, several tunnels, and narrow corridors to reach the other entrance of the Sahvalan Water Cave.
To reach the Sahvalan Water Cave, you must get yourself to Mahabad city. Sahvalan Water Cave located 43 km in east of this city, in the middle of the Mahabad road to Bukan. From Mahabad, take this road to reach the Eisa Kand village. In this village, the route is divided into two parts. The right-hand path leat you to the Sahvalan Water Cave.