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Isfahan to Kerman Train
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Isfahan to Kerman Train

Isfahan to Kerman train only runs at day. We try to respond to the questions that may help you in this process, such as departure and arrival time, train fare, duration, distance, and the name of railroad companies.

If you want to travel from Isfahan to Kerman, you can use the train as a good alternative. Traveling to Kerman from Isfahan by train takes about 11 hours and costs between 540,000 and 580.000 IRR.


  • How many Station does the train have on the road?
    The train will stop in these cities as follows:

Yazd, Bafq, Zarand, and Kerman.



  • How long does it take from Isfahan to Kerman?

The distance from Isfahan to Kerman is 557 kilometers and takes approximately 11 hours.


  • Which Railroad companies are ready to service on the path?

The company which is ready to serve is Raja.


  • Do the trains run at night on the path?

The trains on the route of Isfahan-Kerman is not possible at night. 


  • What train classes are ready to serve in this direction?

    • 4-bed compartments (1st class): Ghazal and Ghadir trains.

      These types of trains are a high quality overnight train in which each carriage, is separated into 8 to 11 compartments with a capacity of 4 people and equipped with 2 bathrooms.
      • The special available services:

          Air conditioning
          Audio video entertainment
          Dining car/ meals in the compartment: Serving dinner is optional and needs to pay a surcharge on the ticket.
          220 V power outlet in compartment
          Beverages and snacks available

    • 6-bed compartments (2nd class)

      These trains share many facilities and services like first class trains, but they can’t compare with these trains in the aspects of quality and convenience.


  • How much is the average train fare for each of classes?

The average train fare for 6-bed compartments (2nd class) is between 540,500 and 548.500 IRR.
The average train fare for 4-bed compartments (1st class) is 584.000 IRR.

To book tickets, you can go to the train station or a travel agency or ask from HiPersia. Online booking is also possible but like airlines, foreign credit cards are not accepted.

 Click Here to Request your train ticket



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