Dashkasan is one of the best samples of rock architecture in Iran with a Chinese architectural style located in Zanjan province.
Dashkasan is a Mongolian temple in Zanjan province, which dates back to Arghun Khan, Ilkhanate era. Dashkasan that means Stone Carved is a part of the cultural identity of Soltanieh city. You will see a temple with a dragon shape that is like the Chinese architectural style. It is known as the dragon temple among the tourists.
This ancient site consists of different elements, such as Iwans and reliefs. The Dashkasan temple has a rectangular shape with an area of five thousand square meters, which is located on the hill and overlooks the vast plains. Dashkasan is one of the most valuable samples of rock architecture in terms of ornamentation in the history of Iranian architecture. Two dragon reliefs of this temple are the mirror to each other. These two dragons in length of five meters are the most famous carvings of Dashkasan.
Longitudinal symmetry is observed in each part of this temple. Three vaults has carved in the heart of rock. The other engravings that you will see are the prominent niches with marvelous Muqarnas which are located on the eastern and western side of this site. Also, some Islamic patterns have carved that look so beautiful.
The best time to visit Dashkasan is from early spring until early autumn. Also, you can visit the Dome of Soltaniyeh, one of the best attractions in Zanjan province.
Dashkasan temple is placed 18 kilometers southeast of Soltanieh, five kilometers of Viyar village, Zanjan Province. You can reach there via private car through a dirt road. Pay attention that there is no sign during the route, and you have to help from local people to find the temple. Also, this followingmap can help you to find the exact location: