The Bamu National Park is a protected area where rare and special animals live. The Bamu National Park is a protected area where rare and special animals live. The park is located in the city of Shiraz. The park is located in the city of Shiraz.
Bamu Park is one of Shiraz International Parks. This national park derives its name from Mount Bamu in the area. The total area of this national park is approximately 48,000 hectares and is divided into two eastern-western sections by the Shiraz-Isfahan road.
Bamu lies in the middle of the Zagros Mountains and its nature is a beautiful combination of Zagros slopes and southern Iran which multiply the beauty of this area. Bamu Park is originally a plain located in the middle of the mountain. Animals live in this park such as rams, ewes, goats, wild Capras, and... It's interesting to know that you can see these animals in the park up close.
Certain plants grow in this area such as Echinops, Crupina, Matthiola long petala, and so on. If spring comes in this area before the deadline, the Bamu National Park will be full of primrose, tulip, and wild anemone flowers.
Along with all the attractions of this protected area, you can also visit the Museum of Natural History at the beginning of this park. If spring comes in this area before the deadline, the Bamu National Park will be full of primrose, tulip, and wild anemone flowers.
Attention: The Bamu National Park is divided into two parts: Promenade and Museum of Wildlife and Extensive Promenade. Note that you need a permit from the Fars Province Environmental Protection Agency to visit the extensive recreation area. Another important thing to keep in mind is that the museum section is open only for Nowruz and for group visits.