If you are a botanical buff, Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest) is the best choice. You will see a part of the oldest Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests with rare animal and plant species.
Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest) is one one the marvelous part of Caspian Hyrcanian mixed forests which is the border between the Semnan province and Golestan province. It is placed in Kharqan rural district, Bastam district, Shahrud, eastern Alborz region and northwest of Khar Turan National Park. Due to the gathering of heavy clouds over the sky of this jungle, is known as Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest). It seems like the clouds are floated across the trees.
Height of this jungle above sea level, low temperature during hot season, abundant springs, and various vegetation are the features of Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest). In terms of the geologic period, Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest) dated back to the Cenozoic. The jungle receives rainfall of 400-500 millimeters. The air temperature is between 6 to 20 degrees on the Celsius.
The rare plant species of Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest) amazes a large number of botanical buff. Also, you will see plenty of medicinal plants in this forest. The beginning part of Abr jungle used as the Yaylak (summer highland pasture) for shepherds, but in the depth of the forest, there is no human trace.
Juniper is the most famous tree in this forest, but there are 85 plants species in Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest) as follows: beech, oak, Carpinus betulus, Acer cappadocicum, alder, Celtis australis, acantholimon, acanthophyllum, sainfoin, alopecurus, thymes, clover, elm, Sorbus torminalis, and English yew.
Brown bear, wolf, leopard, Wild boar, jackal, fox, Wild goat, Roe deer, snakes, partridge, Common wood pigeon, quail, Golden eagle, vulture, falcon, Common cuckoo, and Ring-necked Pheasant are the fauna of Abr Jungle.
Late April till late October is the best time to visit Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest). Watching heavy clouds is possible during this period.
Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest) is situated in the northeast of Iran. To reach the jungle go towards the Bastam district in the four kilometers north of Shahrud after achieving to Shahrud. Then go 35 kilometers from the road of Shahrud-Azadshahr and reach to the Abr village. It is about two hours walk from Abr village to the Abr Jungle (Clouds Forest) and takes 3 hours and 22 minutes by car.