Tughrul Tower is one of the most valuable monuments in the city of Shahr-e-Rey that has been in this city for the past nine centuries.
Tughrul Tower is one of the most beautiful monuments in Shahr-e-Rey city that its history dating back to nine centuries. This magnificent monument built in the era of Seljuq. This brick tower is located in a beautiful garden with colorful and lush flowers and trees. Historians and scholars believe that the Tughril Seljuk, the founder and first king of the Seljuk dynasty, was buried in this magnificent tower. Although, there are other comments about the buried person in this tower. In this high tower, there are two entrances to the north and south through which visitors can enter the courtyard. In the northern part of the garden, there is a small pool, and on the west side, there is a marble tomb belonging to Mir Seyed Mohammad Tabatabai that is the great professor of Persian literature and culture. Also, on the wall of the tower, some holes have become the nest of birds today. The tower is about 20 meters high and more than 48 square meters area. Notable features in the tower are the wooden entrance portal, which is one of the most attractive parts of the Tughrul tower.
In the past, the tower appeared to have been used for several purposes. It is said that the tower was also used as a clock. So, 24 merlons embedded on the outer facade of this tower. When the sunlight glow to these merlons, the time calculated. Also, the walls of this tower were designed in a way that reflects voices. If you are in the center of the tower, your voice will be heard everywhere. Another use of the tower has been guiding travelers. Due to the city of Ray located on the Silk Road, during the glory of the tower, it lights a fire that travelers could find their way through the fire.
The climate of Shahr-e-Rey, like Tehran, is warm and dry, and maybe even warmer than Tehran. The best time to travel to Shahr-e-Rey is spring and fall.
Tughrul Tower is located in Tehran, Shahr-e-Rey, Ibn Babawayh Street, and in front of the eastern portal of another national monument and historical attractions called the tomb of Ibn Babawayh. It is about 30 minutes way from Tehran to Shahr-e Ray if you are lucky enough to avoid heavy intercity traffic jam. Of course, you can use the Tehran metro to reach Shahr-e Ray, but Ray metro is far from Tughrul tower.
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