
Chogha Zanbil is an ancient Elamite complex in the Khuzestan province of Iran, and 30 kilometers southeast of Susa, this place contains the best preserved and the largest of all the ziggurats of Mesopotamia and Iran plateau.
Chogha Zanbil was built about 1250 BC by the king Untash-Napirisha, mainly to honor the great god Inshushinak, meaning the guard of Susa.
The main building materials in Chogha Zanbil were mud bricks and occasionally baked bricks. The complex is protected by three concentric walls, which define the main areas of the 'town’. The inner area is wholly taken up with a great ziggurat dedicated to the main god which is located at the center and it’s a square building, dedicated to the Sumerian god Inshushinak.
Access was using a vaulted staircase, invisible from outside, unlike the squatter Mesopotamian ziggurats, which were equipped with three external staircases. Its early height originally rose to a height of 60 m long and was on 5 floors while today’s height is no more than 25 m high and only 2 floors and half of it has remained having been destroyed mostly by Assyrian king Ashurbanipal in 640 BC. The area of the construction base is a square 105 meters at 105 meters, twice a football field.
Petroleum exploration due to increased global demand threatens the foundations of the site, as various seismic tests have been undertaken to explore for reserves of petroleum. After fifty years of oil activities in Zanbil engineers were engaged in a brick with inscriptions was found.
Here comes the translation of it:
"I Untash Gal, I carved golden bricks. I am here to set up home for the gods Gal and I have dedicated this sacred place. May my work which is a gift to the Gods Gal and Inshushinak be accepted."
The ziggurat is considered to be the best-preserved example of an ancient construction in the world. In 1979, Chogha Zanbil became the first Iranian site to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
If you choose The Khuzestan plain for your travel, winter is the best time for you. During this season the heat is low and comfortable for sightseeing. Totally from early November to the middle of March, you can enjoy your travel.
This great ancient palace is located 40 Km east of the Susa city in the Khuzestan province. Ahvaz is the capital of Khuzestan and every traveler wants to go there from Ahvaz City, so from this city, you can take a private taxi to Haft Tapeh and Chogha Zanbil (its price is around 2.500.000 Rials for a day.)