The Alvares Ski Resort is a heaven for those who desire to remain in the countryside of Ardabil and enjoy the stunning nature of this area.
The Alvares Ski Resort not only is the largest ski resort in Iran, but also is a unique and special recreational center in the north west of Iran. In addition to the suitable facilities for skiing, the Alvares Ski Resort is situated in enchanting place, on the slopes of Sabalan Mountain in the vicinity of the Alvares village. The ski resort is located 12 kilometers from the village of Alvares and 24 kilometers from Sarein. Due this track is located at an altitude of 3200m above sea level, it always has snow on its slopes during autumn and winter, so it gives the ski enthusiasts opportunity to ski for about six to eight months of a year. The Alvares Ski Resort was opened and operated in 2007 and equipped with facilities such as a ski lift with a length of 1250 m, a chairlift and other facilities. Despite the temperature of this region is about 30 to 35 degrees in summer, the snow can be clearly seen and touched in this place. The Alvares Ski Resort is also a good base for trekking outside the ski time.
The resort’s facilities include:
The entry fee of the Alvares Ski Resort is 700,000 IRR. The duration of using the ski resort for one day is from morning to afternoon. A parking lot is available to use at this complex with the entrance fee of 50,000 IRR.
There is a rental shop for renting skis and ski boats at the complex that you can rent them between the rate of 300,000 IRR to 350,000 IRR.
The ski instructors are available at the ski school to teach you how to ski. The rate of the ski instructor is variable and it costs you from 350,000 IRR to 450,000 IRR per hour, depends on the instructor grade.
A hotel is currently under construction at the Alvares complex. So, in order to stay here, you can accommodate in one of the hotels in Sarein.
The best hotels that are recommended to stay in Sarein are as follows:
It is a smooth and pleasant hotel with a restaurant, coffee shop, traditional pavilions and green space ready to welcome travelers. The distance between the hotel and the ski resort is about 3.2 kilometers and takes about five minutes.
It is the best choice for lasting out in Sarein. All the rooms and suites are fitted with convenient facilities. The distance between the hotel and the ski resort is about 23.4 kilometers and takes about 44 minutes.
The Alvares Ski Resort can be used from December to April but everything depends on the snow condition on the ski slopes.
From Ardabil: the distance between Ardabil and the resort is 52.5 kilometers and takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes via Sarab-Ardabil Road, Ardabil-Sarein Expy and Alvares Complex Road.
From Sarein: the distance between Sarein and the resort is 23.2 kilometers and takes about 37 minutes via Alvares Complex Road.