In the beautiful city of Shiraz, a sacred and ancient monument called Shah Cheragh Shrine. This shrine has been given behind for a long time and set behind the construction of this monument.
They say that at a very long time, no one knew of the grave of Ahmad Ibn Musa (AS), and that grave covered with the hill of muddy, and there are houses and inhabitants of the people. At the bottom of this hill, an old lady lived. At the bottom of this hill was an old lady who saw a bright light on the top of the hill every Friday night. The old woman saw this light on Fridays a few nights and thought that perhaps Imamzadeh was buried there. When the subject told to the ruler, the ruler and the audience were very surprised, but because the ruler was an intellectual, he said: I will come to your house to see that light Friday. On Friday night, the ruler went to the old woman's house and said, "I sleep, whenever you see that light, wake me up." That night, the old woman saw the light brighter than before, and she woke the ruler up with emotion and said: "The king, the lamp." Since then, they have known this place as the Shah Cheragh.
Shah Cheragh is a funerary monument and mosque in Shiraz, Iran, housing the tomb of the brothers Ahmad and Muhammad, sons of Musa al-Kadhim.
The first dome of Hazrat Shah Cheragh was for the time of Atabakan. This dome is one of the most beautiful and the prettiest domes in the world. Shah Cheragh has two minarets in the north and south of the porch, the building of which is concrete.
The holy Zarih is made entirely of silver and decorated above it with golden leaves. The interior pillars and the ceiling's holy zarih are decorated with the seal and wood. Inside the Zarih, on the holy shrine, there is a very excellent seal fund.
The Shrine Museum comprised of objects of art that is worth over four hundred objects of historical and cultural value. These objects are very old and ancient and have continued until Qajar and Pahlavi.
You can travel to Shiraz every season and visit this beautiful shrine, but I suggest you visit in the spring especially for April and May. This shrine is open from morning prayer till midnight.
Note: Ladies should wear Chador (a kind of Islamic wear) in this place. Also, you cannot use professional cameras in this place.
The museum's part of the shrine is open from 8 AM to 9 PM in the first half of the year and from 8 AM to 8 PM in the second half of the year and the entrance fee for foreign nationals is 100000 Rials.
To reach this beautiful tomb, travel to the ancient city of Shiraz and take yourself to the Ahmadi Square to see this beautiful building. You can reach the Shah Charge by bus, taxi or private car.