Art of crafting and playing with Kamancheh has a long history in Iran. Stay with us to talk about this noble Iranian musical instrument.
Kamancheh is the name of one of the noble Iranian bowed String Instruments that its name had used in some poems and text since early centuries. The first evidence of Kamancheh dates back to the fourth century AH in the Kitab al-Musiqa al-Kabir as rebab. Kamancheh was one of the principal Iranian musical instruments during the Safavid and Qajar period. You will see a various sort of this musical instrument is known as Lurish Kamancheh which back of the sound box is empty. Lurish people called it Tal. Besides playing, the art of crafting Kamancheh is a common profession in Iran. The art of crafting and playing with Kamantcheh/Kamancha has been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2017.
Kamancheh which is one of the prominent elements of Iranian Folk music consists of neck with strings, pegs, membrane, bridge, sound box, metallic stand and a bow. Kamancheh is made of three major part a bowl or soundbox, neck, and stand. This musical instrument had three strings, but to imitate violin the fourth string, has been added since the Qajar era. Musical tuning of Kamancheh is various but, (G D A E) is the usual one. This musical tuning belongs to the violin.
The bowl made of maple or walnut wood, but today mulberry wood is the standard material of crafting the bow of Kamancheh. The sound box is covered with membrane, then the strings and bridge will be installed on it. The bow is made of thin wood and includes some horsehair on the head and bottom. The neck is made like a reverse cone that doesn’t have any fret. The pegs box placed on the head of Kamancheh.
Kamancheh is playing single or in an orchestra. The player should be in a sitting condition while performing. Kamancheh should be held vertically with the left hand. The bow should be moved horizontally on the strings with the right hand.